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$57m on Laravel's Future

Investors reckon PHP is a great choice for web apps

An empty promenade by the sea running into the distance under chalk cliffs
By Joby Harding

Just over 5 years ago I was preparing to leave PHP behind for good. It felt tired, cumbersome and just didn't excite me anymore. A chance project with Laravel changed all that.

Today I can confidently say no other web framework has impressed me as much and I've worked with a bunch of them in PHP, Python and Node.

I genuinely believe Laravel is one of the best fits for SMEs who want to deliver enterprise grade web apps fast and maintain them cost effectively for years without vendor or platform lock-in.

So I was really excited to hear that Laravel has secured $57m in funding from Accel, the investors behind Next.js company Vercel and Sentry to take the framework to the next level 🔥🔥🔥.

Read the announcement

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Joby Harding 💜 building web apps. If you're an SME looking for a straight talking expert to help with your web project, drop him a line.
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